Thursday, January 17, 2019


When my wife asked me to share the recipe of the RAGI PHULKA/ROTI. I decided to go bloggin again after quite some time He it is in simple steps.

Required ingredients: 
  1.  Ragi flour by volume( 1 Cup)
  2. Water by volume( 1 Cup). 
  3.  Jagri (Guud) OR Sugar    OR SALT to taste  Note: add only one ingredient. 
  4. Vegetable Oil ( 2 Teaspoon).

  1. Heat 1 cup of water in a vessel with the Jagri OR Sugar OR Salt till it comes to boil. 
  2. When the water is at boil add a tea spoon of oil and stir.
  3. After one or two stir put the flame to sim and start adding the Ragi flour quickly. 
  4. This step is FAITH switch off the flame and take the vessel off heat. Keep stirring with some strong ladle . I call this FAITH step as you will think you cant make a roti/phulka out of it. You have to believe it at this time.
  5. Cover the vessel and let it cool or empty in a kneading bowl till you can knead by hand. 
  6. Once cold enough knead the dough like you do for wheat flour. Do not add any water. It helps if you grease your hand with some oil.
  7. Roll the roti with light pressure with the rolling pin.  Probably you may need generous dry flour while rolling in comparison to wheat roti.
  8. Bake it the same way you do wheat roti
  9. Optional: apply some ghee/butter/oil towards end of baking to keep it soft.
Note: proportion of flour to water is 1:1 and need to believe that step 4 will actually make into beautiful dough.

Look below the state of the food in different stages starting just after switching off the stove/gas

Needless to say the health benefits of this super food. Enjoy your cooking.

The end result

Rising on the roti pan

Rolled roti.

Dough looks somewhat like this after kneading

Just after taking off the heat.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How do you know you did wrong???

The best way to know whether you did right or wrong is to look into the eyes of an innocent kid - ask him what he does when he has done something wrong - he wants to hide may be from Mamma at that moment. On the contrary he will say he never had to hid for something good. He comes out in open and tells it loud to his Mom and his friends if he has done something really good - can you see the joy in this kids eyes then - it so different from the feelings of being scolded or caught.

My friends we are no different from these kids, although we are grown up and we can hide our emotions at times, it still boggles us down later, and yes we are equally happy and joyful when we do good :) .

keep smiln.. :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In the end it doesn't even matters..

How long should you forgive somebody? Well if you are looking for simple answer - there aren't any :) But if you do love somebody you may have to perish forgiving without ceasing. The most important lesson life has to teach is that have no expectation from anybody - you will be happy for sure. It is really difficult to do so.. And so we do keep hoping that things will change for good. hurting ourselves all the way.. and as soon as we accept the reality.. happiness sets in.. Be Happy and Keep Smiling.. :) no matter what!

Life is an adventure - try enjoying it :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Life goes on.. it just leaves lives behind.

You left us long back..
but You are still here..
alive in my heart.. 
as long  as it is beating.. 
You are my biggest inspiration..

love You Dad..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bizarre Dinner Story - The VaDa Story - please don't read it if you are currently having food, alternatively you may still do so at your own risk!

Yesterday, on returning home after a tiring day at office, I was all alone in my room. Neither did I had the company of my friends nor was I willing to put in an effort to prepare a meal for my grunting tummy. Technology being pervasive these days, I called upon a few of my friends and managed to convince them for dining at a nearby restaurant.
One of my friend(KSAT) started with his weirdest story ever certainly not apt when food is served and even in your mouth, on its way out ;) . He was hell bent on telling us his exotic cum distorted ;) story. The VaDa story.

So here it goes..
First Version: Once upon time, long long ago, so long ago there was a Grand amma(I was threatened not to change starting sentence). She used to prepare really yummy vadas . It so happened that one day a crow saw the vadas and got tempted. Taking advantage of grand amma's old age the crow sneaked away with one vada. She sat on a tree and feasted on vada. Grand Amma decided to teach the crow some lesson. So she went under the same tree and waited for the crow to shit. Later she collected the droppings and came back. Next day while preparing the dough for the vada she mixed the crow shit in it[Yak!]. Now she waited for the crow. As usual the crow repeated the same act next day and started to eat. "Oh Shit! this is my own shit!" [Yak!] She said and dropped the vada. There was a fox sleeping under the tree. Upon seeing the vada fox was overwhelmed with joy. He took a bite and it tasted good, the fact that it wasn't his shit made no difference to him. Next day fox wanted to have another vada, so he went to Grand amma and stole one. Grand amma followed the fox and waited till nature called upon the fox. Next it was foxes turn to learn some lesson. The next day fox repeated the same. He was heard crying in disgust "Oh Shit! this is my own Shit!" [Yak!]. The very same day crow thought of talking a chance and stole one more vada and since it was not her shit she never realized it [Yak!]. Next day Grand amma mixed the crow shit..[Yak!][Yak!] and so on.. the shit was mixed in turns for ever...[Yak!]
...end of part1
(The worst part was that I was having my dinner when this short story was narrated :( had no choice)[Yak!]
Moral: Dont think what is mixed in vada just enjoy the taste unless.. [Yak!]

By this time if any of my south Indian friends are reading this story they will say "What the heck of a good story". This is not what they learned in schools. By the way I had same belief next day when I heard and googled about the grandma and vada story.

Original Version: Grandma prepares a yummy vada. The crow stole the vada and flew away. She sat on a tree when a fox spotted her and requested to give him a piece, but the selfish crow wont share. The fox now lures the crow telling "you are beautiful" , "your voice is so sweet", "Could you please sing for me". The crow is flattered and thinks "Oh! nobody had ever spoken to me like this", and she starts singing "kaaaaaaa! kaa! kaaaaa!". The vada falls from her beak and fox wastes no time in grabbing vada and dissapears in the dense woods.
Moral of the story: a) Clever fox - dekhawe pe mat jao apni akal lagao. b) Discussions can get really nasty and facts distorted beyond recognition over a cup of coffee, lunch or dinner specially if you are surrounded by naughty friends.
Well I just passed the torture inflicted to me by my friend on you. Please take it just for fun and never think about the first version of this narration
when you are eating the next vada's :)
Legend: [personalized feelings like sugar melting in your tongue coupled with sound you make eg. Oomh!]

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Adjust Madi!!!

I haven't learned much of Kannada yet. But I do understand few Kannada words. Often I heard in the FM radio channels in Bangalore airing "mast majja madi". Out of curiosity I asked one of my colleague what it means. And the explanation was quite easy and cool "Have(madi) great fun". And then I heard "madi" several times, even in one of the TV commercials which said "adjust madi".

I happened to go to Basavangudi today. I was there to accompany one of my friend who was appearing in the entrance exam for FMS(Faculty of Management Studies) in National College, Vanivilas Road, Bangalore. While my friend was in the exam, I was just idling my time watching kids playing in the playground next to the National College. It was unusually hot in Bangalore at that time, yet it could not curb the enthusiasm of the children playing cricket, volley ball, basket ball and football. Now what's interesting is that there were several pitches all over the ground with overlapping fielding area of different teams playing cricket, football and volley ball. Most of the kids were playing cricket. I still remember we used to quarrel sometimes over the play ground with other group of children in our childhood. It was amazing to see so many different groups play in the same playground in harmony, barely leaving an inch empty. Understanding level among these kids was outstanding. People were selflessly returning the cricket balls of different team when it went too far in the ground. A volleyball wrongly hit a boy in head who was playing cricket. And to my surprise he just shrugged and smiled back.Hats off to the kids of Bangalore, they have the true spirit of an Indian. Demolishing the differences in caste, religion and age they were happily playing together were it was difficult to say which boy was fielding for which team or what game he was playing. Amazingly they learned how to adjust in limited space of the playground.

My friend came back in two hours and it was time to go home. I started my engine and vanished into the Bengaluru traffic heading towards C.V. Raman Nagar.

I just thought "Adjust Madi" and "Majja Maddi". Do not grow up in differences but in unity in diversity. Even when you grow up have the same spirit as you have now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What would it take to break out of hell?

probably live a life worse than hell. have a fire within.. and then you will not complain!!! and if you can't, stop complaining so that you live..