Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bizarre Dinner Story - The VaDa Story - please don't read it if you are currently having food, alternatively you may still do so at your own risk!

Yesterday, on returning home after a tiring day at office, I was all alone in my room. Neither did I had the company of my friends nor was I willing to put in an effort to prepare a meal for my grunting tummy. Technology being pervasive these days, I called upon a few of my friends and managed to convince them for dining at a nearby restaurant.
One of my friend(KSAT) started with his weirdest story ever certainly not apt when food is served and even in your mouth, on its way out ;) . He was hell bent on telling us his exotic cum distorted ;) story. The VaDa story.

So here it goes..
First Version: Once upon time, long long ago, so long ago there was a Grand amma(I was threatened not to change starting sentence). She used to prepare really yummy vadas . It so happened that one day a crow saw the vadas and got tempted. Taking advantage of grand amma's old age the crow sneaked away with one vada. She sat on a tree and feasted on vada. Grand Amma decided to teach the crow some lesson. So she went under the same tree and waited for the crow to shit. Later she collected the droppings and came back. Next day while preparing the dough for the vada she mixed the crow shit in it[Yak!]. Now she waited for the crow. As usual the crow repeated the same act next day and started to eat. "Oh Shit! this is my own shit!" [Yak!] She said and dropped the vada. There was a fox sleeping under the tree. Upon seeing the vada fox was overwhelmed with joy. He took a bite and it tasted good, the fact that it wasn't his shit made no difference to him. Next day fox wanted to have another vada, so he went to Grand amma and stole one. Grand amma followed the fox and waited till nature called upon the fox. Next it was foxes turn to learn some lesson. The next day fox repeated the same. He was heard crying in disgust "Oh Shit! this is my own Shit!" [Yak!]. The very same day crow thought of talking a chance and stole one more vada and since it was not her shit she never realized it [Yak!]. Next day Grand amma mixed the crow shit..[Yak!][Yak!] and so on.. the shit was mixed in turns for ever...[Yak!]
...end of part1
(The worst part was that I was having my dinner when this short story was narrated :( had no choice)[Yak!]
Moral: Dont think what is mixed in vada just enjoy the taste unless.. [Yak!]

By this time if any of my south Indian friends are reading this story they will say "What the heck of a good story". This is not what they learned in schools. By the way I had same belief next day when I heard and googled about the grandma and vada story.

Original Version: Grandma prepares a yummy vada. The crow stole the vada and flew away. She sat on a tree when a fox spotted her and requested to give him a piece, but the selfish crow wont share. The fox now lures the crow telling "you are beautiful" , "your voice is so sweet", "Could you please sing for me". The crow is flattered and thinks "Oh! nobody had ever spoken to me like this", and she starts singing "kaaaaaaa! kaa! kaaaaa!". The vada falls from her beak and fox wastes no time in grabbing vada and dissapears in the dense woods.
Moral of the story: a) Clever fox - dekhawe pe mat jao apni akal lagao. b) Discussions can get really nasty and facts distorted beyond recognition over a cup of coffee, lunch or dinner specially if you are surrounded by naughty friends.
Well I just passed the torture inflicted to me by my friend on you. Please take it just for fun and never think about the first version of this narration
when you are eating the next vada's :)
Legend: [personalized feelings like sugar melting in your tongue coupled with sound you make eg. Oomh!]