Thursday, January 17, 2019


When my wife asked me to share the recipe of the RAGI PHULKA/ROTI. I decided to go bloggin again after quite some time He it is in simple steps.

Required ingredients: 
  1.  Ragi flour by volume( 1 Cup)
  2. Water by volume( 1 Cup). 
  3.  Jagri (Guud) OR Sugar    OR SALT to taste  Note: add only one ingredient. 
  4. Vegetable Oil ( 2 Teaspoon).

  1. Heat 1 cup of water in a vessel with the Jagri OR Sugar OR Salt till it comes to boil. 
  2. When the water is at boil add a tea spoon of oil and stir.
  3. After one or two stir put the flame to sim and start adding the Ragi flour quickly. 
  4. This step is FAITH switch off the flame and take the vessel off heat. Keep stirring with some strong ladle . I call this FAITH step as you will think you cant make a roti/phulka out of it. You have to believe it at this time.
  5. Cover the vessel and let it cool or empty in a kneading bowl till you can knead by hand. 
  6. Once cold enough knead the dough like you do for wheat flour. Do not add any water. It helps if you grease your hand with some oil.
  7. Roll the roti with light pressure with the rolling pin.  Probably you may need generous dry flour while rolling in comparison to wheat roti.
  8. Bake it the same way you do wheat roti
  9. Optional: apply some ghee/butter/oil towards end of baking to keep it soft.
Note: proportion of flour to water is 1:1 and need to believe that step 4 will actually make into beautiful dough.

Look below the state of the food in different stages starting just after switching off the stove/gas

Needless to say the health benefits of this super food. Enjoy your cooking.

The end result

Rising on the roti pan

Rolled roti.

Dough looks somewhat like this after kneading

Just after taking off the heat.

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